We all heard of ADHD! But how about "Convergence Insufficiency"?
To be diagnosed with ADHD , children must have at least 6 of the 9 ADHD symptoms. Yet 5 of those symptoms overlap with "Convergence Insufficiency" symptoms.
"Convergence Insufficiency" is a common near vision problem. It interferes with a person's ability to see, read, learn and work at close distances.
Testing for "Convergence Insufficieny" may not be included in pediatric eye tests, school screenings and basic eye exams.
About 5% of children have "Convergence Insufficiency" and many get misdiagnosed or overlooked.
So if your child complains about having uncomfort after 5-10 minutes of reading, you might like to take him to see a pediatric opthomologist and discuss "Convergence Insufficieny".
You can find more information about "Convergence Insufficieny" at this website: