© 2012 Sedef Örsel Özçelik

Sep 30, 2010

Breastfeeding better than vaccines at preventing infection

Breastfeeding better than vaccines at preventing infection

Here's more wonderful news on breastfeeding! You can find the link above for the original article by Etan A.Huff...

Breastfeeding better than vaccines at preventing infection

Thursday, September 30, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Researchers in Greece are urging mothers to exclusively breastfeed their babies for at least the first six months of their lives, based on new research findings. According to the study, babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first six months experience fewer infections than those who are either breastfed for a shorter period of time, or fed formula in addition to breast milk.

Professor Emmanouil Galanakis and his colleagues tracked nearly 1,000 infants for a year, keeping track of their health. They then evaluated how the children were fed throughout their early months of development, and compared the results. They found that fully breastfed kids had significantly fewerinfections than the other children.

"Mothers should be advised by health professionals that, in addition to all the other benefits, exclusive breastfeeding helps prevent infections in babies and lessens the frequency and severity of infectious episodes," said researchers.

Mothers' breastmilk contains vital antibodies, nutrients, vitamins and immunological factors that babies need to develop natural immunity to disease. In other words, breastfeeding is the optimal and natural way to instill immunity in children, eliminating the need for chemical-laden vaccines that often cause more harm than good.

The research also serves as another wake-up call to mothers everywhere about the importance of breastfeeding, not only for their children's health but also for their own.

"We know that breastfeeding is the default method of infant feeding for babies; good for mothers and good for...health," Janet Fyle from the Royal College of Midwives in the U.K. is quoted as saying in a recent BBC article. "This is why we need to continue our efforts to ensure that we maintain a high rate of breastfeeding."

Sep 28, 2010

This video and interview is not only about economy... It is about us, human beings... it is about life... and it is about our CHILDREN!!!

This is an interview with the acclaimed Chilean Economist Manfred Max-Neef. He talks about economy today and tomorrow. He talks and explains very important issues in simple day-to-day language. Please spare 20 minutes and watch this video!!!

If the screen here doesn't work you can use this link: http://www.democracynow.org/2010/9/22/chilean_economist_manfred_max_neef_us

Sep 27, 2010


"...the more you become a connoisseur of gratitude, the less you are a victim of resentment, depression, and despair. Gratitude will act as an elixir that will gradually dissolve the hard shell of your ego-your need to possess and control- and transform you into a generous being. The sense of gratitude produces true spiritual alchemy, makes us magnanimous-large souled." Sam Keen

Sep 25, 2010


Two Hearts

Here is a great IDEA by the www.worldempathy.org:
"7 days until October 2, 2010, All Day! All Around the World!
In every state, in every country, on every continent, people will gather in empathic listening, connecting, and action so that we may see all beings integrate suffering to become free, fully alive, and resolve differences peacefully.

International Day for Empathic Action (IDEA) Events and Activities will take place all over the world aware of each other to create unity, community, and a world-wide understanding of empathy."

  • Empathy is famously known as: "...standing in someone else's shoes."
  • Empathy is the state of being fully present to each other's feelings and needs.
  • The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Empathy as:
: the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it
: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also : the capacity for this

  • Empathy is listening and understanding the feelings and values of another person’s perspective at any given moment in time.
  • Empathy is the state of being fully present to each other's feelings and needs.
BUT Empathy is not...:
  • agreeing...
  • being politically corret...
  • about being right or wrong!
  • showing affection or love.
  • passive but actually quite an active process. Listening, observing and internally opening to someone other than our selves requires active participation.

As parents of children of who live in a world where cultures meet not on the street but on TV screens, Internet pages, Facebook, Youtube, twitter and etc. at any given moment, we need EMPATHY more than ever!!! So this IDEA (INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR EMPATHIC ACTION) is very much needed. Please do share the link: http://www.worldempathy.org/ and give as much empathy as you can to your kids, family members, friends, colleagues, neighbours....

Enjoy this IDEA!!!


Sep 21, 2010

A great birth story

When I was pregnant with our first daughter, I read and watched as many actual birth stories as possible. Learning about different stories made feel comfortable about my unknown future and labor.
Joanna Goddard has a great blog called 'A Cup of Jo'. Recently she became a mother. She just posted the birth story of her cute son Toby on her blog:
I wanted to share her story with you... It's beautifully written :)
And Toby, we all wish you a healty, happy, lucky, long life that's full of with love and experience...

Sep 17, 2010

The nature of Stories (Myth) and their pedagogical function for society.

In his play 'A Thousand Clowns' Herb Gardner makes his main character refuse releasing his 12 year old nephew to child-welfare and the protagonist says: 'I want him to get to know exactly the special thing he is or else he won't notice it when it starts to go. I want him to stay awake... I want to be sure he sees all the wild possibilities. I want him to know it's worth all the trouble just to give the world a little goosing when you get the chance. And I want him to know the subtle, sneaky, important reason why he was born a human being and not a chair. '
So here is one of the subtle, sneaky, important reason, why we are born human beings!!! I love Joseph Campbell :)) may his soul rest in peaceful eternity!!!

Joseph Campbell on Myth (Story) from John Kyle Creason on Vimeo.